

tmutil is the command line tool to interact with your Time Machine backups. The graphical user interface is good in most of the cases, but not all, it’s a bit limited; when you need to […]

Docker Won’t Start After Update

I updated docker on CentOS 8 from docker-ce-3:19.03.13-3.el8.x86_64 to docker-ce-3:20.10.1-3.el8.x86_64 and failed to start after update. Oh no, now what? 🙂 Let’s see more details: Turned out the fix was to remove trusted.xml, or better […]

macOS WiFi 2.4/5GHz

In case you have the same (B)SSID for 2.4 and 5GHz but you want to force your Mac to one of them it can be easily done with Terminal. First scan the network then using […]

MikroTik Inter-VLAN Access


By default on MikroTik inter-VLAN communication is allowed. There is a chance this isn’t what you want to allow if you are using VLAN’s. This is how you can disable it: create firewall address lists […]


On FreeBSD /var/cache/pkg can use up a significant amount of space. The good news is the content of this directory is not required. However it is useful if you want to rollback to an older […]



… or how to enable www-ssl on MikroTik? By default on MikroTik devices only HTTP tcp/80 is enabled. The traffic going through this protocol is not encrypted and shouldn’t be used where authentication happens. RouterOS […]

yum history

On RHEL/CentOS, yum history is not well-known but is a nice way to undo package installs, including dependencies, or updates. Usage is self-explanatory. I provided some examples below: If you really want you can undo […]

Visual Studio Code – Edit Multiple Lines

Visual Studio Code is a free and awesome editor from Microsoft for Mac, Windows and Linux. I recently discovered that you can select multiple lines at the same time. I was missing this coming from […]

L2TP VPN on MikroTik


There are better documentations with more details on how to create an L2TP VPN via IPsec for Mikrotik, this one is mostly for my own notes. In case you are using the same subnet on […]