A Magic Trick From ZFS

This is a short description about how to recover a single or multiple files from a ZFS snapshot on FreeBSD. The same trick might work on Linux, I haven’t tried, if you did please let […]

How’s YOUR server doin’?

If you are using FreeBSD then you must be familiar with daily run output or daily security run output messages. They can be found in the root user’s mailbox by simply typing mail as root. If you’re […]

The Power Of CTRL+T

Did you know that you can check what a process is doing by pressing CTRL+T? Has it happened to you before that you were waiting for something to be finished that can take a lot […]

% and crontab

Crontab is a wonderful tool to run tasks at scheduled times. I noticed that my cron jobs fail if I use the percentage sign (%) in it. Why? It works if I just execute the […]

Random vSphere Disconnection Issues

There is a setting in vSphere/ESXi called NFS.MaxQueueDepth. Starting ESXi 5.x the default value is 4294967295. However some storages are not happy with this and when traffic increases (I’m not sure how much traffic is too much) […]

vCenter “Unable to retrieve manifest or certificate file”

There is a bug in vCenter 6.5 which occasionally happens when you deploy an OVA from web. VMware is probably going to fix it, but until then when need to use a workaround. OVA file […]

zfs allow

By default many zfs operations needs elevated/root privileges. For example receiving a snapshot on a remote system. One does not want to open ssh to root user. With zfs allow permissions can be delegated to […]

Mikrotik Script


Here is simple script which sends your IP address to your email, it will save you paying for a fix IP service from your ISP, unless you have a different case. :global ipadd; :global extinterface […]

Mikrotik with NetFlow on FreeBSD

A short how to adding NetFlow to Mikrotik using ntop and FreeBSD. FreeBSD is the best operating system you can go for your server. While Mikrotik is a budget router it is capable of many. […]

Raspberry Pi and FreeBSD

I’m writing down a few steps for the future me how I installed RaspBSD on a Raspberry Pi 3 Download http://www.raspbsd.org/ Insert memory card then: diskutil list sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 sudo dd bs=1 if=insertFreeBSDImage.img of=/dev/disk2 […]