There is a bug in vCenter 6.5 which occasionally happens when you deploy an OVA from web.
VMware is probably going to fix it, but until then when need to use a workaround.
OVA file is an archive which contains:
- .mf – manifest with checksums
- .ovf – XML with characteristics of the VM
- .vmdk – VM disks
- .cert – certificate – not necessary
When you deploy an OVA and the manifest file isn’t read within 100s after the deployment has been started vCenter will show a “Unable to retrieve manifest or certificate file” error.
To prevent this we need to add .mf (and .cert if exists) to the beginning of the archive.
Let’s unpack the ova:
tar xvf example.ova
x example.ovf
x example.vmdk
So now we have:
ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admins 6150411230 May 22 12:41 example.vmdk
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admins 221 May 22 12:41
-rw-r--r-- 1 steve admins 7625 May 22 12:41 example.ovf
Then we create the ova again, paying attention to add .mf (and .cert if exists) before .vmdk:
tar cvf example_fixed.ova example.ovf
tar uvf
tar uvf example.vmdk
Now we can deploy example_fixed.ova