Salzburg, Austria

Once in a while, you feel that you just want to go.  Somewhere.  Anywhere you can escape the daily grind and let positive and warm thoughts fill your mind.  This time, I chose Salzburg, a rather nice city in Austria, right next to the German border.  If you’re not familiar with the name, you probably at least heard of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who was born in Salzburg, or The Sound of Music, the movie whose unique feeling was brought to you by this city, Leopoldskron Castle, and the wonderful voice of Julie Andrews.

Take a look at the photos, and let me know if you like them

One thought on “Salzburg, Austria”

  1. Van közte 1-2 ami jól sikerült! Nem lenne kedved beküldeni egyet (vagy akár többet) hozzánk a Természetes megjelölünk téged mint fotós, és a vízjel se gond. ‘Magyar fotósok’ szekcióba kerülne a fotó … Keress meg minket ha érdekel!

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